Welcome to CityGuards, the official app used by your public-safety agency to better serve and protect you.CityGuards empowers you to become involved with your community safety efforts and interact with the LOCAL POLICE department. Receive essential information and provide feedback, report an anonymous crime tip, hear the latest from your public-safety officials, get quick access to vital services, volunteer, never miss an event, and get alerts in real-time! It’s the easiest way to contact your local Police.YOUR PRIVACY FIRST. CityGuards doesnt require user registration as terms of use. No personal information is given by you and no service directly related to the mobile-app ties back to you or your personal information. The public-safety agency and the developer DO NOT collect, share or use personal information. CityGuards is NOT a social media channel. It’s time to get involved the right way!CityGuards is always free for the public and local community which it serves and its available for anyone to use for better safety and quality of life. Disclaimer: CityGuards mobile-app serves subscribed local governments for their communities.Like CityGuards and cant find your local Police? Maybe they are not subscribed yet. Reach out to them or let us know (
[email protected]) and well be happy to make contact and demonstrate how CityGuards can help their daily operations with better serving your community.